Integer arithmetic operations

With FlashForth having 16-bit cells, the standard arithmetic operators shown in Table1 operate on 16-bit signed integers, in the range -32768 to +32767 (decimal). Note that the word u*/mod (scale) uses a 32-bit intermediate result. FlashForth also provides arithmetic operators for double numbers (32-bit integers), signed and unsigned. See the companion reference sheet [2] for a more complete list.

Table 1: Arithmetic operators for single (16-bit) numbers.
word effect comment
+ ( n1 n2 -- n1+n2) sum
- ( n1 n2 -- n1-n2) difference
* ( n1 n2 -- n1*n2) product
/ ( n1 n2 -- n1/n2) quotient
mod ( n1 n2 -- n.rem) remainder
*/ ( n1 n2 n3 -- n1*n2/n3) scaled quotient
u/ ( u1 u2 -- u1/u2) unsigned quotient
u/mod ( u1 u2 -- rem quot) remainder and quotient
u*/mod ( u1 u2 u3 -- rem quot) scaled remainder and quotient

For an example of using arithmetic operators, consider the conversion of temperature values from Celcius to Fahrenheit using the formula n2 = (n1*9/5 + 32).

decimal  ok<#,ram>
: to-f-1 ( n1 -- n2) 9 * 5 / #32 + ;  ok<#,ram>
0 to-f-1 . 32  ok<#,ram>
100 to-f-1 . 212  ok<#,ram>
500 to-f-1 . 932  ok<#,ram>
5000 to-f-1 . -4075  ok<#,ram>
This simple function works fine, up until the intermediate result (n1*9) overflows the 16-bit cell. With a bit more bother, we can make use of the scaled operator to avoid overflow of the intermediate result. Again, the following function computes expression (u1*9/5 + 32) but now uses the scale operator */. This operator uses a 32-bit intermediate result to avoid overflow.
: to-f-2 ( n1 -- n2) 9 5 */ #32 + ;  ok<#,ram>
0 to-f-2 . 32  ok<#,ram>
100 to-f-2 . 212  ok<#,ram>
500 to-f-2 . 932  ok<#,ram>
5000 to-f-2 . 9032 ok<#,ram>
Note that not all of the arithmetic operators are part of the core FlashForth that is written in PIC18 assembly language and, to get the scale operator, you will need to load the math.txt file of word definitions before trying this second example. (See AppendixA.)

Peter Jacobs 2013-06-12